I'm interning this summer at Community Bible Church, at Pocono Lake, Pennsylvania. I drove up to the area on May 24, met the pastor that night, and met the church congregation on Sunday the 25th. They are a nice bunch of folks! I was so surprised to see the sign outside the church welcoming me.
So far I've been able to teach Sunday School on Sunday mornings, lead Bible study on Wednesday nights, and redesign the church website: poconolakechurch.org. Tomorrow I preach my first sermon there on the book of Esther.
My fiancée, Audrey, is on a plane to the Philippines for her internship this summer, where she'll be working with the missionaries there and discipling women in the church group.
hey, Ken, you look real cute in front of the church sign!
do y'all have a wedding date yet??? :)
Yikes, I was going to call the church today and I forgot. We've turned in the forms in to the church, but I need to call the office to make absolutely sure it's a go.
I called the church earlier and confirmed the date. The wedding will be June 6, 2009!
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